examine the different levels of protection within the EU and the interaction between them (EU, CoE, national and international levels);
foster EU studies and build an inclusive, multi-disciplinary and transnational network of excellence on access to justice, effective judicial protection, independence and impartiality of the judiciary in the globalised world; raise awareness, educate and involve civil society in the decision-making process and provide them with the essential knowledge on the EU’s structure, policies and safeguards, in a dialogue with other regional systems and in light of the latest scientific advancements, but also democratic challenges.
For these goals, it will propose the following activities:
an annual course for law and LLM students;
an advanced course for graduates in different disciplines, both with qualified guest lectures from leading academics and practitioners with complementary expertise;
round-tables and conferences open to non-legal students and civil society;
study-visits to the EU Institutions;
mock trials;
calls for papers for young researchers as well as established academics, ideally from all the world.